Policy Outlook

The world’s largest and most comprehensive research service on sustainability and corporate responsibility regulations. Our legal experts understand this complex, changing landscape – and we help you understand it too.

In-depth analyses. Global scope. Continuously updated.

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    How can I stay on top of sustainability regulation?

    Monitor change that impacts your institution

    Policy Outlook can be customized according to your needs.

    Track initiatives that are relevant to your organization and understand their implications. Receive briefings and join webinars on upcoming regulatory developments and trends. Access a continuously updated online tool that provides in-depth information on each initiative.

    Leading expertise

    Our team of legal experts analyzes hard and soft law regulatory initiatives pertaining to sustainability and corporate responsibility. ECOFACT’s experts have the best access to the most relevant data.

    The research scope includes over 50 jurisdictions, the European Union, financial sector regulators, stock market authorities, as well as multilateral organizations such as the OECD and the United Nations.

    Act now

    Policy Outlook delivers the information you need to brief senior management and impacted functional units about regulatory change.

    Our legal experts are ready to help you address the complex regulatory landscape of sustainability and corporate responsibility.

    Contact Our Experts

    Rayanna Gamper
    Legal Specialist


    Tennessee Soudain
    Head of Regulatory Advisory


    +41 58 520 20 15

    In the fast-changing ESG regulatory landscape, the Policy Outlook tool keeps me up to date with key developments.

    Dr. Christian Leitz, Head of Corporate Responsibility, UBS

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